HiSET (High School Completion)

If you’re an adult without a high school diploma, the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) could be your route to improved career prospects, a college education, and increased earnings potential. HiSET replaces GED in Maine. Adult High School Diploma programs are central to the mission and tradition of Maine Adult Education. These are secondary educational offerings that lead to a high school diploma. Join other students who have recently completed the program. Get your diploma and get one step closer to achieving your life’s goals! Call the Adult Education Coordinator at (207) 865-6171 to register. Registration is FREE.
English Speakers of Other Languages
RSU5 Adult Education welcomes all foreign-born people. We offer free classes to help you improve your English skills. Instruction is individualized, and students may work with tutors at their own pace. You do not have to be a resident of RSU5 to participate in this program. Classes and tutoring services are available. Please call the Adult Education Coordinator at (207) 865-6171 to schedule your first meeting.
Maine College and Career Access
Considering a career change? Need assistance going back to college, but not sure where to start?
Maine College & Career Access is a comprehensive program of study leading to enrollment in a post-secondary program, including trade school, college, workforce training programs, and more! MCCA includes career planning, academic preparation, financial aid assistance, college planning, and Accuplacer testing. In partnership with community colleges and the university system, MCCA programs offer high-quality, cost-effective and accessible pathways to post-secondary education for adults.
FEES FOR CLASSES ARE WAIVED if you become a Maine College & Career Access student through RSU5 Adult Education. For more info, contact the Adult Education Coordinator at (207) 865-6171.
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